Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm Example

Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm finds the shortest paths between all nodes of the graph. In this article we will describe the operation principle of Dijkstra’s algorithm, which finds optimal routes. The disadvantage of this algorithm is that it will not work correctly if the graph has negative edge weights. In this tutorial you can read Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm example. The author has solved a particular task and provided a vivid description of the solution. Following each step you will be able to solve a similar solution by yourself with ease.

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Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm Task

Task: find all the shortest paths from the vertex # 1 for the graph shown in the figure below using the Dijkstra algorithm.

dijkstra's shortest path algorithm


First, we form the matrix of lengths of shortest arcs for a given graph.

dijkstra's shortest path algorithm example

The starting vertex from which the tree of shortest paths is constructed is the vertex 1.

We set the starting conditions:

d (1) = 0, d (x) = \infty

We color vertex 1, y = 1.

We find the nearest vertex to the one that was colored by us, using the formula:

d (2) = min \{d (2); d (1) + a (1,2)\} = min \{\infty; 0+10\} = 10
d (3) = min \{d (3); d (1) + a (1,3)\} = min \{\infty; 0+18\} = 18
d (4) = min \{d (4); d (1) + a (1,4)\} = min \{\infty; 0+8\} = 8
d (5) = min \{d (5); d (1) + a (1,5)\} = min \{\infty; 0+\infty\} = \infty
d (6) = min \{d (6); d (1) + a (1,6)\} = min \{\infty; 0+\infty\} = \infty

The minimum length has a path from vertex 1 to vertex 4 d (4) = 8. We include the vertex # 4 in the current oriented tree, as well as the arc leading to this vertex.

d (2) = min \{d (2); d (4) + a (4,2)\} = min \{10; 8+9\} = 10
d (3) = min \{d (3); d (4) + a (4,3)\} = min \{18; 8+\infty\} = 18
d (5) = min \{d (5); d (4) + a (4,5)\} = min \{\infty; 8+\infty\} = \infty
d (6) = min \{d (6); d (4) + a (4,6)\}= min \{\infty; 8+12\} = 20

The minimum length is the path from vertex 1 to vertex 2 d (2) = 10. We include vertex # 2 in the current oriented tree, as well as the arc leading to this vertex. According to the expression this is the arc (1,2).

d (3) = min \{d (3); d (2) + a (2,3)\} = min \{18; 10+16\} = 18
d (5) = min \{d (5); d (2) + a (2,5)\} = min \{\infty; 10+21\} = 31
d (6) = min \{d (6); d (2) + a (2,6)\} = min \{20; 10+\infty\} = 20

The minimum length is the path from vertex 1 to vertex 3 d (3) = 18. We include vertex # 3 in the current oriented tree, as well as the arc leading to this vertex. According to the expression, this is the arc (1.3).

d (5) =min \{d (5); d (3) +a (3,5)\} =min \{31; 18+15\} = 31
d (6) =min \{d (6); d (3) +a (3,6)\} =min \{20; 18+\infty\} = 20

The minimum length is the path from vertex 1 to vertex 6 d (6) = 20. We include the vertex # 6 in the current oriented tree, as well as the arc leading to this vertex. According to the expression, this is the arc (4.6).

d (5) = min \{d (5); d (6) + a (6,5)\} = min \{31; 20+23\} = 31

The minimum length is the path from vertex 1 to vertex 5 d (5) = 31. We include vertex # 5 in the current oriented tree, as well as the arc leading to this vertex. According to the expression, this is the arc (2.5). We have obtained an oriented tree of the shortest paths starting at vertex # 1 for the original graph.

d (1) = 1 The length of the route L = 0
d (2) = 1-2 The length of the route L = 10
d (3) = 1-3 Length of the route L = 18
d (4) = 1-4 The length of the route L = 8
d (5) = 1-2-5 The length of the route L = 31
d (6) = 1-4-6 The length of the route L = 20

An oriented tree with a root in vertex 1:

how to find shortest path using dijkstra algorithm

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