C++ Stack Example: LIFO Stack

Hello! In this guide, I want to tell you about one of the most widely used data structures in C++. This is a type called Stack.

The stack is a data structure organized on the principle of LIFO (last in – first out). It’s usually compared with a gun clip – the shooting starts from the last bullet. It looks like this:

So, let’s start the implementation:

First we should create our data structure:

[code language=”cpp”]
struct number {
int value; // value of the element
number *next; // pointer to the next element

Create two pointers of number type:

[code language=”cpp”]
number *top = NULL, *p;

Now assume that we will read the values from the text file:

[code language=”cpp”]
do {
p = new number; // create a new element
p->next = top; // create the pointer to the previous element
file >> p->value; // read the value from the file
top = p; // move the stack’s head
} while (top->value); // repeat the cycle until the document is over
Now we are able to read our stack. Let’s try to insert some value inside the stack:
p = top; // use a temporary pointer for the head of the stack
while (p->value != 7 || p->next != NULL) { // move to the needed value
p = p->next;
number *new_el = new number; // create a new element
new_el->value = 15; // set the value
new_el->next = p->next; // create a pointer to the next element
p->next = new_el; // create a pointer to the previous element

Now let’s try to delete some element:
while (p->value != 7 || p->next != NULL) { // move to the needed value
p = p->next;
number *p2 = p->next; // save the address of the element to the new pointer
p->next = p->next->next; // assign it with the next element
delete p2; // delete element

Now we are able to create a dynamic data structure called stack, read it from the text file, insert some values inside of it and delete them.

Thanks for the attention!

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