Create Java application capable of solving a 3×3 square filled with digits in order to determine if it is a magic square. User should be able to access such functionality as: filling the square with numeric values, checking the values in the current square, and checking the current square for being a magic square.
In this sample we are going to use arrays, so we will proceed with importing java.util.Arrays. The main loop of our program will correspond to four actions: “new” (begin filling a new int square), “show” (display the values of the current square), “info” (determine the sums of digits in rows, columns, and diagonals of square, in order to determine if it’s a magic one), and “exit” (exits the main loop and application).
Obviously, until we haven’t filled a square, “show” and “info” commands should not be available. We will use a boolean variable as flag to enable these two later:
//flag which determines whether sqr array is filled with numbers boolean existingsqr = false;
This will result in the following structure for messages informing the user:
System.out.println("Input \"new\" to start filling new 3x3 square"); if(existingsqr) System.out.println("Input \"show\" to display existing square"); if(existingsqr) System.out.println("Input \"info\" to display info about existing square"); System.out.println("Input \"quit\" for exiting the application");
We can fill a new square with:
System.out.println("Input 9 numbers "); for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sqrsize; j++) { System.out.println("Input value for row " + (i+1) + " column " + (j+1)); sqr[i][j] = in.nextInt(); } }
After this we enable the aforementioned flag:
existingsqr = true;
We can display the current square with:
System.out.println("Current square:"); System.out.println(sqr[0][0]+" " +sqr[0][1]+" " +sqr[0][2]); System.out.println(sqr[1][0]+" " +sqr[1][1]+" " +sqr[1][2]); System.out.println(sqr[2][0]+" " +sqr[2][1]+" " +sqr[2][2]);
The we can count the sums of elements of this square (rows, columns, and diagonals respectively) with:
int[] sums_rows = new int[sqrsize]; Arrays.fill(sums_rows, 0); int[] sums_columns = new int[sqrsize]; Arrays.fill(sums_columns, 0); int[] sums_diagonals = new int[2]; Arrays.fill(sums_diagonals, 0); for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sqrsize; j ++) { sums_rows[i] += sqr[i][j]; } System.out.println("the sum of elements of row " + (i+1) + " :\n" + sums_rows[i]); } for (int j = 0; j < sqrsize; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i ++) { sums_columns[j] += sqr[i][j]; } System.out.println("the sum of elements of column " + (j+1) + " :\n" + sums_columns[j]); } for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { sums_diagonals[0] += sqr[i][i]; } System.out.println("the sum of diagonal 1 " + "\n" + sums_diagonals[0]); for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { sums_diagonals[1] += sqr[i][(sqrsize-1)-i]; } System.out.println("the sum of diagonal 2 " + "\n" + sums_diagonals[1]);
After this we need to compare the sums we have just found. We will assume that it is magic square straight away:
boolean isMagicSquare = true;
Then once even a one sum of the ones found isn’t equal to the others, we assume that the square is not a magic one:
int comparedSum = sums_rows[0]; for (int i = 1; i < sqrsize; i++) { isMagicSquare = isMagicSquare && (comparedSum == sums_rows[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { isMagicSquare = isMagicSquare && (comparedSum == sums_columns[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { isMagicSquare = isMagicSquare && (comparedSum == sums_diagonals[i]); }
Therefore, the final code for our application (with console window format in mind) will look like this:
package testproject3; //importing Scanner class import java.util.Scanner; //importing Array tools import java.util.Arrays; //importing packages used for detecting key events import java.awt.Toolkit; /** * * @author User */ public class TestProject3 { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here //a strings type variable used to store text String textvar = ""; //flag which determines whether sqr array is filled with numbers boolean existingsqr = false; //array for storing magic square int [] [] sqr = new int [3][3]; //used in for cycles int sqrsize = sqr.length; //creating new scanner object which takes InputStream as parameter Scanner in = new Scanner(; do { System.out.println("Input \"new\" to start filling new 3x3 square"); if(existingsqr)System.out.println("Input \"show\" to display existing square"); if(existingsqr)System.out.println("Input \"info\" to display info about existing square"); System.out.println("Input \"quit\" for exiting the application"); textvar = in.nextLine(); if("new".equals(textvar)) { System.out.println("Input 9 numbers "); for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sqrsize; j++) { System.out.println("Input value for row " + (i+1) + " column " + (j+1)); sqr[i][j] = in.nextInt(); } } existingsqr = true; System.out.println("Thanks!"); System.out.println(); } else if("show".equals(textvar) && existingsqr) { System.out.println("Current square:"); System.out.println(sqr[0][0]+" " +sqr[0][1]+" " +sqr[0][2]); System.out.println(sqr[1][0]+" " +sqr[1][1]+" " +sqr[1][2]); System.out.println(sqr[2][0]+" " +sqr[2][1]+" " +sqr[2][2]); } else if("info".equals(textvar) && existingsqr) { int[] sums_rows = new int[sqrsize]; Arrays.fill(sums_rows, 0); int[] sums_columns = new int[sqrsize]; Arrays.fill(sums_columns, 0); int[] sums_diagonals = new int[2]; Arrays.fill(sums_diagonals, 0); for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sqrsize; j ++) { sums_rows[i] += sqr[i][j]; } System.out.println("the sum of elements of row " + (i+1) + " :\n" + sums_rows[i]); } for (int j = 0; j < sqrsize; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i ++) { sums_columns[j] += sqr[i][j]; } System.out.println("the sum of elements of column " + (j+1) + " :\n" + sums_columns[j]); } for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { sums_diagonals[0] += sqr[i][i]; } System.out.println("the sum of diagonal 1 " + "\n" + sums_diagonals[0]); for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { sums_diagonals[1] += sqr[i][(sqrsize-1)-i]; } System.out.println("the sum of diagonal 2 " + "\n" + sums_diagonals[1]); boolean isMagicSquare = true; int comparedSum = sums_rows[0]; for (int i = 1; i < sqrsize; i++) { isMagicSquare = isMagicSquare && (comparedSum == sums_rows[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < sqrsize; i++) { isMagicSquare = isMagicSquare && (comparedSum == sums_columns[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { isMagicSquare = isMagicSquare && (comparedSum == sums_diagonals[i]); } if(isMagicSquare) System.out.println("All sums are equal, this is a magic square"); else System.out.println("The sums are not equal, so this isn't a magic square"); System.out.println(); } else if(!"quit".equals(textvar)) { //cleans screen by pushing text off screen for(int clear = 0; clear < 1000; clear++) { System.out.println("\b") ; } } } while (!"quit".equals(textvar)); //loop will repeat until textvar reaches the necessary value } }
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